"She's in love, and the world gets blurry
She makes mistakes, and she's in no hurry to grow up
'Cause grownups, they don't understand her
Well it's a big, big world out there, but she's not scared...
She finds hope in the strangest places
She reads her books, and she knows the faces
Of everyone that ever said she's alone
She knows every word to the saddest songs
And she sings along, though her friends all tell her
That she can't sing...
She's eighteen, much too young
To know what a kiss like that would mean
But her lips, they were no stranger to the touch
And she likes it way too much."
--Mayday Parade, So Far Away

Thursday, February 28, 2008

It was a Moment of Weakness

Forgive me, friends, for I have sinned. Turned to the dark side. Sold my soul to you-know-who [and I'm not talking about Voldemort, either].

I got a facebook.

Trust me, it's not what you think! Let me explain! It's a long story. It's not you, it's me. [I could go on like this forever, you know. Especially since I'm really, really exhausted].

Anyway, I did it. I got a facebook page. My only reason was the threat of decapitation from my dear old friend DZ [thanks, buddy, for the wonderful way you've destroyed my life. Hey, hey, just kidding--you know I love you].

Don't worry. I won't enjoy my facebook page in the least. No fun. Just communication. :D Well, maybe I'll have just a little bit of fun...

I know, I'm ridiculous. But life seems to be better off this way.

Oh, and I'm going through severe Eclipse withdrawals. My cousin/godsister [gothsister!] has my copy of the book, and as much as I love the fact that she's reading it, I'm going mildly crazy. I guess I just have to grin and bear it, suck it up, and be a big girl. Simultaneously.

Gahhhh, it's way too late for me. I'm getting all bubbly and giggly [yes, it's possible. I'm not serious all the time] and laughing at my own not-funny jokes. My vocabulary has also committed suicide in a rather violent manner.

That's my cue to go to bed. Goodnight :P


Ammietia (a girl you once knew) said...

Ew. Facebook. I was also forced into the Facebook scene, I just hardly ever go on. Instead, whenever my friends come over they go on and try to make my page better, reply to the millions of messages from people who don't seem to realize I am never on, and take quizzes.

My friend is going to be reading my copy of Eclipse over March Break (in a week) which is probably not going to be the best thing for me. I just have to stock up on enough fantasy books to last a normal person a year. Maybe that will dull the effects...

Good luck!


Abby said...

Sometimes I seriously wonder if you're my alter ego, Ammietia.

Lol isn't it nice to know that somebody out there feels exactly the same way you do about so many things?? :P