"She's in love, and the world gets blurry
She makes mistakes, and she's in no hurry to grow up
'Cause grownups, they don't understand her
Well it's a big, big world out there, but she's not scared...
She finds hope in the strangest places
She reads her books, and she knows the faces
Of everyone that ever said she's alone
She knows every word to the saddest songs
And she sings along, though her friends all tell her
That she can't sing...
She's eighteen, much too young
To know what a kiss like that would mean
But her lips, they were no stranger to the touch
And she likes it way too much."
--Mayday Parade, So Far Away

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Unconscious Autobiographical Art

It's another one of those sleep late, work late, stay up late kind of nights. After I finish here, I'm going to head straight to my room, where my unfinished novels are screaming at me to be completed. I've actually dreamt about my characters for the past few nights, and I'm taking that as a sure sign that I need to get back to work. It's been too long.

What have I been waiting for? That's the real question, isn't it? I spend all my time waiting, waiting, waiting. Wait to finish my books. Wait to pick a career. Wait to figure myself out.

I just watched P.S. I Love You for the first time, and there's a part where main character Holly talks about creating. I found myself silently agreeing with her...

"Just create something... new, and there it is, and it's you, out in the world, outside of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it... and you know a little more about... you. A little bit more than anyone else does..."

God, it's so true. My writing--the only thing in this world that understands me, really gets me--has taught me so much about myself.

And I'm just beginning to realize what I have to learn.

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