"She's in love, and the world gets blurry
She makes mistakes, and she's in no hurry to grow up
'Cause grownups, they don't understand her
Well it's a big, big world out there, but she's not scared...
She finds hope in the strangest places
She reads her books, and she knows the faces
Of everyone that ever said she's alone
She knows every word to the saddest songs
And she sings along, though her friends all tell her
That she can't sing...
She's eighteen, much too young
To know what a kiss like that would mean
But her lips, they were no stranger to the touch
And she likes it way too much."
--Mayday Parade, So Far Away

Monday, November 26, 2007

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

Actually, it's not butter. This has absolutely nothing to do with butter, not even the teensiest bit.

Of course, if it did have something to do with butter, I probably wouldn't have used that title. I go for the ridiculous, don't I?

Anyway, my good news is this: Starting Friday night--approximately three hours after my last post--my writer's block was broken.

It began slow, my recovery. I started out small and forced myself to write and write and write until it felt like I had carpal tunnel [which I probably do have, after all the hours I've put in on that silly laptop]. Next thing I knew, BAM! Like magic, there were words! Fragments! Phrases! Clauses! Even sentences!

I so badly wanted to scream in my joy, but I felt that two o'clock in the morning was not a good time for that. And I really didn't want to celebrate before I knew if I was cured, either.

So I waited all day Saturday. I hung out with friends, watched some episodes of Brothers & Sisters with Aphrie [from the season we both missed], and then scampered up to my room to click and clack on the keyboard.

Staring at the screen, I took a deep breath. This was it. This was the moment.

And I could write again.

So Saturday night was spent reveling in the glory of my newfound happiness. No longer bound by the chains of unoriginality, I could be myself again, and write.

Abby's back, folks. Abby's back. :]

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