So homecoming was absolutely AMAZING. Beyond amazing. It was perfect, spectacular, beautiful, fantastic... It couldn't have been better. Superficial or not, I had an awesome time. :]
My dress and hair were the best I've ever had [I will post pictures soon, once I've found time to upload them to my computer]. I felt like a princess, and got lots of compliments. Always good for the self-esteem. And my baby brother went out of his way to get Aphrie and I two of the most beautiful corsages I've ever seen, my favorite of the three I've ever received. Thank you, buddy. :D
The whole pictures thing was fun, too. Not only because we had a good group of kids, but because it wasn't the way it usually is. Not as superficial. It was fun, and laid back, and just a relaxed atmosphere. Just the way I like it.
THE DANCE! Oh my goodness, the dance. Three solid hours of absolute greatness. The decorations were amazing [student council finally got something right!] and the music was actually not bad. I'm not so into the rap, but it's perfect for dancing.
We were dancing so much and with such an intensity that I was completely soaked with sweat, as were my friends. Most of the guys gave up on their shirts and jumped around in wifebeaters [hey, I won't complain...]. Us girls kicked off our shoes and kept our clothes securely on. I was really glad not to have a date this year--nobody to babysit!
I'm a little sore from the dancing [ab workout for the week] but it's totally worth it. My dress needs to be dry-cleaned because it's so disgusting, but I wouldn't want it any other way. My hair is really nasty from the gross sweat, too, but it stayed curled all night and even after I slept on it.
The afterparty, sleepover, and breakfast gathering were a blast. There wasn't any real drama this year [no fights!] so everyone was on good terms, and the food was wonderful [thank you Grandma Dragon!]. After eating nothing but Special K all day yesterday, I was starving. Don't act so surprised--how else do you expect us girls to fit into our dresses and look good? Psh. Like we're just magically thin at the end of the day...
I had to laugh, though, when I saw the teachers at the dance. They're so hilarious. Everything we teenagers do just flummoxes them, like we're a new species or something. Yes, we let down our guard a little to dance. Yes, we say "hell" when it comes up in the song. Yes, we scream and get excited when the DJ asks us to. The teachers and administrators just find this to be insane. It makes me giggle.
A big hug and thank you to everyone who made last night possible for us. We're only juniors once--why not live it up a bit?
Smiles for everyone, and have a safe and happy weekend. :]
16 years ago
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