I would like to now make three very random and unassociated comments.
First, I would like to grin with admiration and say that God did indeed smile upon the earth the day my sister Eddie was born... and then sarcastically cackled as I joined her. The day we decided to take on the world, though, he gasped and whispered, "Holy [foul word]! What the hell have I done?"
Second, I would like to make note that while most girls I know grew up desiring to be Disney princesses, I wanted to be Nala from Lion King. Just a thought.
And third, I may be inclined to mention that I've finally chosen titles for my trilogy: The Emperor, The Hidden, and The Heiress. I'm so happy, I could kiss someone...
Abbsigail Christine Artemis Morgan is [in a good mood, and] OUT.
16 years ago
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