Just because I've grown up in a world where everything revolves around technology doesn't mean I hate it any less than the people who have just recently discovered it existed. In fact, I could quite possibly hate it more, because I know exactly what it's capable of and I'm more than aware when it isn't functioning correctly.
Think it over. You've never used a fax machine. It's making a strangled beeping noise. You don't find it abnormal. But when you've used that same stupid machine seven hundred times and it makes a strangled beeping noise, you get ANGRY.
Mind you, I haven't used a fax machine in my entire life [let's try email, folks], but I figured an older example would better fit my particular need here.
Let's switch to cameras. I've used my digital camera maybe fifty times in past two years. That's a lot of pictures, if you count one "time" as each time I've turned the camera on and taken around twenty pictures. Like I said, lots of pictures. I like pictures.
But yesterday, when I sit down at my computer to perform the very simple task of loading those beautiful pictures into my Kodak software [NEVER PURCHASE KODAK], it decides that I'm no longer worthy of its services. It takes a vote with itself and determines that it will only load every third picture that I command it to look at.
Is it my fault? No, of course not. I followed the same exact procedure as every other time I've uploaded pictures. Plug it into the USB, plug it into my camera [my camera that's on and charged... I learned that the hard way about a year ago], and make sure the software's open. Three checks in three check boxes. I should've been good to go.
Um, no. I fought with my very stupid camera for over an hour before it came to me that I was going to explode if I didn't wait 24 hours before trying to load pictures again. Well, either explode or punt my camera into the nearest river... Both options were highly likely in my fury.
I severely threatened my camera and gave it a thorough talking-to, leaving it in time out until today. Not surprisingly, it didn't work on the first six tries. On the seventh, though, I finally got all of my pictures into my computer before it died, at which point I muttered bitterly under my breath and cursed the entire Kodak company.
Grr. I absolutely loathe technology.
16 years ago
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