...which all her hopes and dreams were in.
Tehehe. I have the song "Transylvania" by McFly stuck in my head right now [click on the McFly link to the right to go to their MySpace, scroll down in the player, and listen]. For the mildly clueless, those pretty words up yonder make up the first two lines.
My other favorite part of that song is the second half of the chorus:
Ugly is the world we're on
If I'm right, then prove me wrong
I'm stunned to find a place we belong
Talk about weird. Those three little lines summarize my perspective on life right now.
The world is indeed VERY ugly, and I'd love for somebody to prove me wrong on that. And I am stunned to find that in this ugly world, there is a kind of reality in which I and my siblings can belong.
Strangely compelling, eh?
16 years ago
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