Is it okay to be repulsed by human nature?
Just think it over. Every single human has a opinion on everything, educated or not, and they're going to try to convince you that their opinion is correct.
Even if you tell them repeatedly that you really don't care.
I don't care about global warming. If it's a "natural cycle" in the atmosphere, then I'll deal with it. If it's caused by humans, I'll deal with it. Either way, I'm none of your business. So back off.
I don't care about politics. Socialists, communists, capitalists, anarchists--they're all liars. They all have the EXACT SAME MOTIVE. They all want to convince you that their system of political beliefs is right, and everyone else is wrong. They're so consumed with the idea that they'll gather a band of followers and take over that they don't even bother to provide the opposing side of the story. They never admit that they are wrong.
Notice that I'm speaking in absolutes. If anyone out there disagrees with me and thinks that they don't fit this stereotype, by all means say so. I won't argue. I'm done arguing.
Why is it necessary for people to have to "choose sides"? Why? Will I become just like every other adult one day, with a strong opinion that I shove down my opponents' throats? I would love to say that I've held onto my childhood innocence and kept myself away from the world of arguments and politics for as long as possible, but apparently I'm falling in.
Soon enough I will fall victim to a lifestyle that I don't want to live.
I don't like conflict. In fact, I hate conflict. I hate conflict so much that when I start to feel the very first tingling emotions of disagreement, I usually leave the room. I find a way to tune out the argument, simply because it's stupid. It's stupid, stupid, stupid, and wrong.
Humans were not put here to argue amongst themselves and kill each other. I don't care what religion you follow--even atheists must accept that humans beings ended up here somehow. Even if it was simply science that landed us all here together, WE'RE STUCK TOGETHER. And if we don't start realizing that life is short and disagreeing over trivial things is a waste of time, we're all going to die angry.
That's right. Angry. If we don't start loving one another despite everything we hate about each other, we're all going to die angry. And then there will be nothing left of this world but the rubble of war and the stinging emotion of unnecessary hatred.
Call me a dreamer; I don't care. Call me anything you damn well please because I don't care. I have found reality, and I don't like it. I thought that growing up would be exciting, interesting, maybe even fun. It's not. It's a pain.
I have found reality, but I'm not willing to accept it.
-Abigail is [disappointed, and] OUT.
16 years ago
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